A Simple Guide on How to Make a Terrarium

A Simple Guide on How to Make a Terrarium

Have you ever wondered how to make a terrarium for your home, office or workspace? A terrarium is a brilliant way to bring nature indoors. Not only is it fun and educational. It is easy - even if you are not an experienced plant hand. In fact, a terrarium is a great place to start your indoor plant journey.

Cactus Terrarium

Adding plants to living and workspaces is known to have great benefits for morale and health. A terrarium is a great way to unleash the creative spark within you to create a plant arrangement that reflects your persona!

In this guide, we cover how to make a terrarium. Including how to put together a terrarium to add some greenery and life to any room. Follow this step-by-step guide to make your own beautiful terrarium.

What is a Terrarium?

The step toward mastering a terrarium build is understanding fundamentally what is a terrarium? Simply put, terrariums are miniature gardens housed inside small, sealable glass containers.

On a more complex level, a terrarium should be a fully functioning plant ecosystem that is mostly self-sustaining. Getting even more complex, this means the plants in this ecosystem water themselves through transpiration and condensation.

Where does the word Terrarium come from?

As with most things plant related, the origins of the word terrarium are derived from Latin!

In Latin the word terra means earth, add to this the Latin arium, meaning location or receptacle and you get the word terrarium - an earth receptacle or a place for earth!

You were expecting that to be much more complicated right?

How to Construct a Terrarium?

Now you know what a terrarium is and where its name comes from, lets take a look at how to make a terrarium that you can enjoy.

So what do you need to make your own terrarium?

1. A Terrarium Container or Receptacle

To create a terrarium, you need something to put it in! Therefore, the first step in creating a terrarium is selecting the right container. This is an important consideration. Remember it needs to be clear so that you can see inside! But more importantly so that your terrarium plants can get the light they need to grow!

Think about what size terrarium is approriate for your space. Where it will be placed? Any access you need to maintain it and trim your plants. Of course, your container needs to be big enough to home the plants you have in mind too!

The most popular choice is a clear glass container with a wide opening to allow for easy access when planting and watering. We reccomend a container with a lid to help keep the moisture in.

Terrarium with clay pebbles.

2. Clay Pebbles to Layer the Base

Drainage is very important in your terrarium. The base layer in your terrarium should be free draning.

Some clay pebbles are a great choice and to add to the bottom of the container. They will help with drainage and prevent the roots of your plants from sitting in water.

3. Add Activated Charcoal

The next layer to add to your terrarium should be a thin layer of activated charcoal. Sat on top of the rocks, activated charcoal will help keep the terrarium fresh by absorbing any excess moisture and odours. Activate charcoal plays an important part in keeping your terrarium healthy.

4. Add a Layer of Terrarium Soil

Terrarium soil should then be layered on top of the charcoal to plant your plants into. We recommend a specialist terrarium soil. It is perfect for a wide range of terrarium plants and is specifically designed for terrarium plants.

5. Choose Your Plants

Now that your terrarium has the layers it needs, it is time to pick your terrarium plants! This is the fun bit!

A top tip is to select small plants that thrive in humid environments. Also, think about how much they will grow and how quickly. Which will determine how much maintenance you will need to do to keep your terrarium in tip top shape.

We love mosses, ferns and of course succulents. fittonias are also a great choice if you want a splash of colour.

When arranging your plants, be sure to  leave enough space between them to allow for growth.

Fittonia Terrarium.

6. Add Terrarium Grit & other decorations

Terrariums are great fun because you get to make them your own, by adding your own style and decoration to it.

Decorating your terrarium will enhance its visual appeal as well as being practical. Popular ways to decorat your terrarium are to add small figurines, colored stones or other decorative items such as seashells. Get creative and make it your own!

Some clay pebbles are a great addition above your soil - they are a practical choice too helping keep your terrarium humid. Another great option is to add coarse horticultural grit or decorative terrarium stones.

7. Water Sparingly

Caring for your terrarium should be easy. After planting your terrarium, water it lightly using a spray bottle. Be careful not to overwater.

One of the easiest and most common mistakes you can make is to overwater. It can lead to root rot and unhealth plants.

Monitor the moisture levels and adjust watering as needed. A great little tool to help with this is a moisture meter - also known as a hygrometer.

8. Where to Place your Terrarium?

Terrariums do best in a spot that receives indirect sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause the plants to burn.

Be sure to rotate the terrarium occasionally to ensure even growth.

9. How to Maintain your Terrarium?

Terrarium maintenance is not an exact science, each terrarium will have its own needs, depending on heat, light, moisture and temperature.

Once you get into a routine and get to know your plants, it is easy. Keep an eye out for any dead leaves or plants and remove these as needed.

Remember plants are living things, they need a little trim up every now and then to keep any overgrown plants in check. Just like a haircut, the shape and size of the plants in your mini ecosystem is your choice.

10. Enjoy Your Terrarium

Less of a tip and more of a logical step. It is important to remember to enjoy your terrarium!

Once you have successfully set up your terrarium don't forget to it! Revel in the beauty of your terrarium plants.

Final Thoughts

We hope this guide has helped ignite your passion for plants and long may it last! Building a terrarium is great, it is a piece of living art that will continue to evolve and grow with your direction.

As you can see, how to make a terrarium is quite simple. The most special part is that every terrarium is unique to it's creator. Creating a terrarium can become quite addictive and is a great way to enjoy plants on a small scale.

If you need any help with finding the right supplies for your terrarium drop us a line.

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