Send a House Plant Gift

House Plants as Gifts

There does not have to be a reason to send a house plant gift. Sending house plants as gifts is a great way to make someone’s day or let them know how much they are loved.

If you are looking for house plants to send as a gift, our collection has something for everyone. Whether you want to send house plants that are air purifying, ones that have a special leaf pattern or a hardy plant that is easy to tend.

Indoor Plants to Send as Gifts

We have a great number of indoor plants to send as gifts and even some accessories and treats to accompany them!

Did you know that living with plants is known to be a mood booster and be great for our health? This is one of the reasons we think it is always a great idea to send an indoor plant!

So when you know you want to send a gift but are not quite sure what - send a houseplant gift!