Pet Friendly Indoor Plants

Britain is a nation of pet lovers - but we love indoor plants too! Struggling to find the perfect pet friendly houseplants for your space? Take a look at our collection of houseplants curated with pets in mind.

View Pet Friendly Houseplants

Pots for Animal Friendly House Plants

Pet Friendly House Plants

Here at Small Indoor Plants, we know that your pets are just as much a part of your family as humans. Pets can sometimes be a cause for concern to would be plant parents - rightly so.

With some careful research, there are a number of pet friendly house plants that you can add to your space. Of course, it is important to remember just like with people, all pets are different and some have their own allergies to specific things and so introducing even pet friendly indoor plants to your space around pets should be closely monitored, checking with a vetinary professional is the ideal way to ensure a plant will be safe.

We wanted to put together some ideas for house plants that are widely labelled as pet safe plants to help you find the right plant that should be suitable around your pets.

Cat and Dog Friendly Plants

Animal friendly house plants are the top of many pet owners list, so that your pet and your pet safe indoor plants can intermingle.

Cat Friendly Indoor Plants

Not all indoor plants are cat safe indoor plants. Cat owners will know all about how inquisitive their ball of fluff can be! With our collection of cat friendly house plants UK delivered, your pet should be fine around your plant!

Of all the pets, cats are the most challenging to manage around pets. If you do not have cat safe plants, then often the best option is to keep your feline friend and your leafy pal separate. This is why having indoor plants cat safe present an ideal choice for cat owners.

Dog Friendly Indoor Plants

Dogs and other pets tend to be more manageable around plants. They dont tend to jump of windowsills, shelves or tables and so pet safe house plants in those spaces are not quite as vital.

Did You Know?

Indoor plants lower stress and boost your immune system!