House Plants Toxic to Cats

As a responsible cat owner, it's vital to be aware of what house plants are toxic to cats. Cats are known for their curious nature, and they often like to chew, nibble and rub themselves against houseplants.

Therefore, you should always research any new plants before adding them to a space where cats are present. Looking to find some cat friendly plants to add to your space? Why not check out our Houseplants Safe for Cats.

What houseplants are toxic to cats?

In this blog, we will outline some of the most common houseplants that are toxic to cats so that you know some of the main plants to avoid adding to your space. Which will help to keep you space safe.

Indoor house plants toxic to cats – Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia plants are a popular choice within indoor spaces due to their tropical looking foliage and low maintenance care needs. Dieffenbachia plants are also known as Dumb Cane plants. They are unfortunatley toxic to cats.

Houseplants that are toxic to cats – Pothos

Pothos is a popular houseplant choice due to its easy care needs and resillience. Also known as Devil’s Ivy, Pothos plants are toxic to cats. They are not a good choice if you are a cat owner.

Toxic houseplants to cats - Philodendron

Philodendron Autumn Queen in a white ceramic plant pot

Philodendron plants have become a trendy addition to modern indoor spaces due to their tropical appearance. Unfortunately for cat owners, these Philodendron plants are toxic to cats and so should be avoided.

Houseplants toxic to cats – Lilies

With their beautiful flowers and colours, lilies are a popular choice of cut flower and are often given as a gift. Lilies are toxic to cats and some common varieties include Easter, Tiger and Asiatic lilies.

Final Thoughts on Indoor Plants Toxic to Cats

Our list includes some of the more common plants that cat owners often consider that are toxic to cats. However, their are a number of other houseplants that are also toxic to cats.

If you want to find out information about other houseplants that you may be considering, we recommend checking out the Cats Protection guide to dangerous houseplants. It is vital to research any new plants before adding them to your indoor space to make sure they are safe for your feline friends.

It is important to note that our list includes some of the most common and popular houseplants that toxic to cats and is not a full list. Always take the time to research any plant you add to your space to check whether it is suitable.

Alternatively, place these plants in a space away from your cats and be certain to not allow them to come into contact with the plant. We think the easiest way to avoid issues is not to include plants that are toxic in your space.

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