Bonsai Tree
Check out this ready to go bundle. It might just be what you were looking for. Our small bonsai tree care kit includes everything you need. Keep your plant roots, leaves and soil in top condition. So your plant will look great!
Got a larger collection of bonsai trees? No problem, our larger kit might be the one for you!
Bonsai Plant Benefits
If you are looking to make a statement in your home or office. Then a bonsai plant is becoming a must have plant to add to your houseplant collection.
Aside from making a statement in any indoor space. They have a number of benefits too:
- Air Purifying: A bonsai plant is a great way to purify the air in your indoor space.
- Reduce Stress: Having a bonsai plant in your home is a great hobby. They could help with your mental wellbeing as it focuses on concentration and patience.
- Attractive: With a range of different leaf types and sizes. Bonsai plants make an elegant and stylish vibe to any home or indoor space.
Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Looking for some tips and care hacks to keep your bonsai in top shape? Our guide will help you ensure you have the know how to take care of bonsai plants. Sometimes bonsai are referred to as trees and others as plants. We will use both terms throughout this guide.
How to Care for a Bonsai Tree
If you want to make caring for your bonsai easy. Or discover what things might help you along the way. Then this guide is the perfect read, filled with simple tips to make the care of bonsai trees indoor as easy as it can be.
Caring for Bonsai Trees
Are bonsai trees hard to care for?
So you aren't sure if a bonsai is right for you? It is very common and a great question to ask yourself. Care of bonsai could be considered harder than other typical houseplants that you may have, we prefer to look at this as a rewarding plant to care for because it can be a bit of a learning curve - challenge accepted?
The key to getting the care right is down to learning how much water, feed, light and humidity that they require.
Whilst it is true they have a specific set of requirements, by following our simple care steps below, we aim to make caring for bonsai plants easy.
Bonsai Tree Light Requirements
Bonsai tree light needs are fairly simple. Bonsai need a location that receives 4-6 hours of indirect sunlight per day.
In the summer months, you may need to move your bonsai away from windows as this could cause it to overheat which may in turn lead to leaves being scorched or turning brown.
During the winter months, you may need to move your bonsai back towards a window to ensure it receives adequate light.
How Often to Water Bonsai?
Bonsai tree watering can often be a balancing act. As they tend to grow in tiny pots compared to most houseplants, they will have less water available to them. So little and often is the best way to view bonsai plant water requirements.
When the topsoil feels slightly dry to the touch, it is time to rewater. You can also look at the colour of the soil as a guide:
If the soil looks dark and feels wet = don’t water
If the soil looks a lighter brown = time to rewater
During hot, summer months you will probably need to water each day and we would suggest checking on the soil dryness level both in the morning and the evening.
How to Water Bonsai?
You should water your bonsai from the top and allow all water to drain through. Don’t let your bonsai sit in water as this can lead to root rot. A small watering jug is a great choice to help you water your bonsai!

Bonsai Tree - How Much Water?
If you need a helping hand with how much water your bonsai tree needs then a Watering Indicator is a great way to monitor your bonsai water requirements.
Bonsai Temperature Requirements
Best Temperature for Bonsai Tree?
As most indoor bonsai trees are native to tropical regions, a steady and consistent bonsai tree temperature range of 20°C (68°F) and no less than 15°C (59°F) is best to help your bonsai feel right at home.
Bonsai Humidity
Do Bonsai Trees need Humidity and Do Bonsai Trees like Humidity?
In short yes! As well as preferring a steady and consistent temperature, bonsai also need and will welcome a high level of humidity as they would this get in their natural environment.
A naturally humid location such as bathroom or kitchen is a good spot for a bonsai as long as it receives enough light per day.
If your kitchen or bathroom is not a suitable location or you want to further increase the humidity levels of your bonsai plant, there are a couple of quick and easy ways to achieve this.
A Bonsai Myst Spray is a simple and effective way to increase humidity and help with your Chinese elm bonsai care.
Another way to increase humidity levels, is to place your bonsai plant on a saucer or tray filled with water and clay pebbles. Be mindful not to put too much water in as you don’t want the bonsai tree roots too absorb any additional water.
Boosting humidity levels are especially important in the winter months, as heat generated by central heating for example, tends to create a drier environment.
Bonsai Fertilizer
As bonsai are typically grown in small pots, they will have less nutrients available to them as there is less soil.
To help your bonsai to thrive, we would recommend the use of a bonsai tree fertilizer regularly – we would suggest using a fertiliser for bonsai trees every one to two weeks.
Bonsai Tree Food?
We have a great selection of bonsai food and bonsai feed products that are ideal to incorporate into your bonsai care routine. They are great for a wide range of varieties so they are great to help you with popular varieties such as bonsai elm parvifolia care or ficus ginseng bonsai care routine.
Soil for a Bonsai Tree
As bonsai are typically grown in small pots, getting the bonsai soil right is essential part of caring for a bonsai plant. Frequently customers ask, how to care for a bonsai plant and soil is one of the most important aspects.
Best Soil for Bonsai Trees?
The best type of soil for bonsai trees is one that drains well and also provides adequate aeration to the roots.
We have a great selection of soil for bonsai tree products that are all designed to help your bonsai trees to thrive.
Bonsai Pruning
How to Prune a Bonsai Tree?
Regular bonsai tree pruning is not only quite therapeutic for you, but is also an essential part of taking care of a bonsai tree.
When pruning your bonsai tree, you are simply looking to cut any shoots or branches that have outgrown your intended canopy shape. You may only need a few snips or cuts at any one time in order to maintain the shape of your bonsai tree.
You are also looking to remove any brown or dead leaves which should help with the overall health of your bonsai.
Types of Bonsai Plants
Thereare lots of choice when it comes to Bonsai, with a wide range of varieties that are well worth considering.
For a novice Bonsai owner, one of our favourites varieties is a plant that is relatively new to the bonsai hobby arena - a China Doll plant, also know as a Radermachera plant.
With its small and dainty leaves, the China doll plant makes an elegant addition to any indoor space or home.
Radermachera Bonsai Care
We think the Radermachera is an ideal plant for a beginner because it is quick growing. This has a number of benefits for a novice:
- it easy to shape into your desired design
- you also don’t need to worry as much about making a cutting mistake as it grows fast
- it also ensure you get plenty of practice in honig your technique due to the plant growing fast.
It is perfect for someone who likes to be hands on and helps to nurture a bond between a new owen and their bonsai, as well as having beneficial and therapeutic benefits.
Final thoughts on Bonsai Trees
Many budding Bonsai owners never actually get started on their Bonsai journey because caring for a bonsai plant can seem daunting due to the amount of care and attention that bonsai trees can require. However, it is a learning curve, a hobby and a skill that has a number of benefits. By following this care for bonsai tree guide, we hop that you feel more confident in your ability to care for bonsai trees and give caring for a Bonsai Tree a go!
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