Calathea Orbifolia

Calathea Orbifolia Care Guide
In this guide we will share our top tips and advice to make caring for your Calathea Orbifolia plant easy.
Did you know? Calathea plants are also known as prayer plants. Along with several other species of Calathea. Their appearance is one of elegance. Featuring beautiful green leaves that with silver stripes. They have air purifying properties too. So they are great at keeping the air around you clean. A plant that looks great with potential health benefits too. That sounds good to us!
Need a Calathea Orbifolia care kit? It includes everything you need to keep your plant roots, leaves and soil in top condition. So your plant will look great!
Buy our Calathea Orbifolia care kit
This plant makes a great addition to a range of indoor spaces. It is non-toxic to cats and dogs too.
Sound like the perfect plant for you? You can buy a Calathea Orbifolia plant here.
Calathea Orbifolia Plant Care
Let’s take a look at the specific needs of this plant:
Calathea Orbifolia Light Requirements
These plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Near a window where they can receive filtered light is an ideal spot. Be careful not to place the plant in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause the plants leaves to be scorched. This plant can be sensitive to too much light.
If you notice the leaves of your plant start to look scorched. Simply adjust the position of the plant. You can move it to a spot that is better suited to it's light needs. Move the plant to a less bright spot. Be sure to continue to keep an eye on the condition of the leaves. You should see them improve.
Calathea Orbifolia Watering Requirements
Want to know how to water Calathea Orbifolia? Or how often to water Calathea Orbifolia?
Watering can sometimes be tricky to get right. This plant likes moist soil but doesn’t do well in waterlogged soil. Luckily, there are several ways to spot whether your plant is getting the right amount of water.
If you notice that your plant has yellow leaves, this can suggest that it has been overwatered. You can easily combat this with a few changes. We recommend watering your plant from the top. Make sure that any excess water drains out the bottom. Adding perlite is a great way to increase the drainage of the plants soil. It will also prevent soil waterlogging.
If this plant is not receiving enough water. You may notice the leaves dry out and curl up. To combat this, check the top inch of your soil. Only water your plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry.
If you are still not sure when to water this plant. Then a Watering Indicator is a great way to keep on top of your plants water requirements.
Calathea Orbifolia Temperature Requirements
These plants are happiest in a warm environment. A temperature between 65°F and 80°F (18°C - 27°C) being ideal.
This plant is sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures. If they are placed in a drafty or cold spot, you may see the leaves shrivel. If this happens, move your plant to a warmer spot and keep an eye on the leaves.
Calathea Orbifolia Humidity
As well as being happiest in a warm environment. Calathea plants also love a high level of humidity.
Have a plant that has brown edges on the leaves?
If you see brown edges on your plants leaves. This can be a sign that the humidity is too low. A quick and easy way to increase the humidity around this plant is to use Houseplant Myst Spray. It contains a range of essential nutrients. It also comes in a handy sized bottle that makes it ideal to use whenever you need it.
Another simple way to increase the level of humidity around your plant is to fill a tray with clay pebbles. Add water to the tray and place this near the plant.
Calathea Orbifolia Fertilizer
To help keep your calathea orbifolia plant looking at its best. We recommend adding a balanced fertilizer to your plant once a month during the growing season.
Houseplant Focus is a great choice as it contains a range of essential nutrients designed to help your plant thrive.
Soil for Calathea Orbifolia Plants
The best soil for calathea orbifolia plants is a free-draining soil and one that also retains moisture.
A peat-free houseplant soil makes an excellent choice for this plant.
You could also consider the use of Perlite and Vermiculite. These will help with drainage and moisture retention respectively.
Repotting Calathea Orbifolia Plants
Calathea orbifolia plants should be repotted if you start to see roots appearing from drainage holes or if the roots start to circle the bottom of the pot.
Wondering how repot a calathea orbifolia plants? This is simple. Firstly, carefully remove the plant from its current pot. Be mindful of the roots. Take care not to damage them by not pulling at the plant too hard.
Select a suitable sized pot to rehome the plant in. Add the required amount of soil and add the plant into the new pot. Make sure it is upright and stable. Then you can give it a good water.
We have all the products you need to repot your Calathea plant too.
How to Prune Calathea Orbifolia Plants
Pruning calathea orbifolia plants is an essential part of their care. You should remove any brown or yellow leaves. This will in turn help to promote new growth. Regular pruning will help maintain the shape of your plant too.
When pruning, we recommended using sharp and dirt-free pruning shears. These will deliver clean cuts and prevent the spread of any pests or disease.
Is Calathea Orbifolia Toxic?
Responsible pet owners and parents should always look to understand whether a plant is toxic. Therefore, the most common questions we are asked about this are:
Is calathea orbifolia toxic to cats? Is calathea orbifolia toxic to dogs?
This plant is not toxic to cats or dogs, thus, it is becoming a popular choice amongst pet owners.
Final thoughts
With its eye catching design and relatively simple care requirements. It is easy to see why this variety of calathea is a popular choice.
By using this guide and keeping a careful eye on your plant. It should thrive and hopefully make a stylish addition to your home or workspace.
Calathea Orbifolia Plant Food
Indoor Plant Food
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Plant Drip Feeder
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Calathea Orbifolia Support Sticks & Clips
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Moss Pole
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Calathea Orbifolia Soil & Compost
House Plant Compost
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Clay Pebbles for Plants
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Perlite for Plants
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Calathea Orbifolia Houseplant Repotting & Accessories
Repotting Soil
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Plastic Plant Pots
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Plant Pot Saucers
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Root Growth Stimulator
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