The Beauty of Spider Plants

Spider plants, also known as Chlorophytum comosum, are a popular houseplant. Well know for their long, arching leaves, they get their name from the spider like plantlets that dangle from the ends of the leaves of the mother plant.

Chlorophytum Spider Plant Care

Spider plants are not only visually appealing but they are also quite easy to care for, which makes them a popular choice for beginners and experienced plant owners.

With their interesting leaves and ability to purify air, they are a great choice of houseplant.

Let's take a look at some popular types of spider plants and essential tips and tricks for keeping your spider plants healthy and thriving.

Spider Plants

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A Guide to Spider Plants

We love supporting customers of all abilities here at Small Indoor Plants, whether you are a beginner or an experienced plant enthusiast, this guide will help you tsuccessfully grow and maintain beautiful Spider plants in your home.

We hope you enjoy our comprehensive guide to Chlorophytum houseplants! We aim to provide you with the key information to help you care for Spider house plants as well as introduce you to some popular Spider Plant varieties including some of our favourites.

We have have great range if your are looking to Buy Spider Plants too.

Need a Spider plant care kit? It includes everything you need to keep your Spider plant roots, leaves and soil in top condition so your plant will look great!

Buy our Spider Plant care kit.

Chlorophytum as Indoor Plants

A Guide to Spider Plant Care

Spider Plant Light Requirements

While they can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch their leaves and for that reason, spider plants thrive in bright, indirect light.

Place your spider plant near a window with filtered light or in a well-lit room.

How Often to Water Spider Plant

Knowing when it is time to water spider plant pots is one of the keys to success with your plant. As they prefer to be kept evenly moist but not overly saturated, spider plant watering should be done when the top inch of the soil in your plant pot feels dry to the touch.

One thing to bear in mind about spider plan watering requirements is to avoid letting the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.

Spider Plant Temperature

Spider plants are quite tolerant of a range of temperatures, they prefer temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). If you are concerned about the spider plant minimum temperature that your plants can tolerate, it is handy to know that they can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures but should be protected from frost.

Spider Plant Humidity

Do spider plants like humidity? While they don't need the air to be very humid, spider plants appreciate moderate humidity levels.

A great way to increase humidity is by placing a tray filled with clay pebbles and water near to your plant.

You could also mist your spider plant occasionally with houseplant myst which will not only mist your chlorophytim but add nutrients that will enhance its growth.

Spider Plant Soil

Spider plants prefer well-draining soil that retains some moisture. A great way to achieve this is with a mixture of potting soil and perlite or vermiculite.

Houseplant focus repotting mix is a great spider plant soil.

Food for Spider Plants

Like all plants, spider plants need a source of food and so it is important to use a fertiliser once a month during the growing season. The best spider plant fertilizer would be a balanced, water-soluble fertilize.

Houseplant focus fertiliser is a great spider plant food.

Spider Plant Pests & Diseases

Spider plants are generally resistent to pests and diseases, however, they can occasionally attract mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. Regularly inspect your spider plant for any signs of pests to catch and treat them early.

If you notice any signs of infestation, such as webbing or tiny insects, treat the plant with an appropriate treatment. SB plant invigorator and bug killer is a great way to eliminate pests and encourage growth.

Chlorophytum Spider Plant

Spider plant care & varieties.

Final Thoughts on Spider Plants

Spider plants offer an undemanding and resilient houseplant that boasts quick growing and beautifully coloured and patterned foliage.

One of the most important parts of caring for your spider plant is to ensure that yellow or brown leaves are regularly removed. This is important in maintaining the plant's appearance.

Spider plants are a versatile houseplants, they can tolerate low light conditions, but they may not produce as many plantlets or grow as vigorously under these conditions.

One of the most important things to remember is to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

Another great thing about spider plants is that they are non-toxic to pets, making them a safe choice for households with cats or dogs.

Whether you choose a classic variety or opt for a more unique one, spider plants are sure to be a good addition to any plant collection.